Monday, December 31

Home from the Holidays

We're back in the bus in Colorado, and damn does it feel good to be home. Joey even said last night that he's still cool with the bus, he's not totally over it yet. That was even said while we still had no water because we had a frozen line somewhere. It finally thawed out this afternoon while he was filling up our propane tank, once again more quickly then we expected. I thought I heard another leak inside the bathroom wall so I shut the water off, told him about it and he promptly cut into the wall when he got back, only to discover once he turned the water on and checked it himself that it was at the valve, not in the wall. My bad. At least it was the same wall as before. The valve that won't close is a small water spiget right above the toilet that I've always hated anyway, so I convinced him to just cap it, and while he was back at True Value getting a cap, he got us a new shower head. A real shower head, not one of those pansy ass RV types. Everything is back in perfect working order, and I believe we're all set for the rest of the winter. Joey's going to go back to work until spring or until he gets his newest toy, a huge boat. One that we can live aboard for months at a time. In the meantime I WILL complete my bus remodel. I will. And hopefully get in lots and lots of skiing.

I can't believe another year has come and gone! It seems like just last month that we moved into the bus, and we're going on two years already. There's no end in sight for bus life, although there may be a new bus in our sights. Here's to a great 2008!


Madeline Rains said...

Good to hear that you made it home safely and that it is still home : )

Vicki said...

Thanks Hil ~ I'm usually a learn as I go type, but it can't hurt being a little prepared....for once. :)

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