Sunday, October 11

no matter how many times I say it I still can’t believe it…it’s been a year

It’s been a year since the accident. I remember the surgeon saying Joey’d be back to himself and back to work in about six months. I remember thinking, six months…we can handle that. It’s been a year since the accident. We’ve handled it, but it hasn’t been easy.

While we were in Wyoming we took a day to drop down into Colorado so Joey could see the surgeon and get reviewed for Maximum Medical Improvement for the insurance company. They would have flown him up here from Texas but the anally efficient person in me figured out that we could instead take a few weeks/months to travel up there in the bus and let them reimburse us for the gas instead. It was a tough decision at the time, but so glad we chose that route.

Fortification Rocks

It was just a few hour drive down from Rawlins and we passed some more gorgeous countryside. It was solid open country, with antelope, deer, geese, prairie dogs, mountain goats, sheep and elk interspersed with drilling stations and the always present Elk Mountain in the background. The drilling stations were painted to match the landscape so they blended right in and didn’t look obtrusive at all. Even the massive Craig Power Plant makes for a beautiful setting. To see it up close is jaw dropping.

Craig Plant

So we stopped for a quick break and a little tutorial on how to turn coal into energy

Craig Plant tutorial

The doctor’s visit was quick, and then it was all over. It seemed like we were waiting for the last six months to get to this point and then it was over in a flash. We were in Texas because of the accident. We drove up north, and landed in WY to see the doctor, because of the accident. The last year has been as hard as it was, because of the accident. Now it’s all over. We’re free to do what we want, wherever we want. We hadn’t thought much past this point. What now?

We stayed in Wyoming another week because we have learned an important lesson for living on the road with today’s increasing gas prices………Stay put until you know where you want to go.


LiveWorkDream said...

I'm sorry about the accident. I understand the way they can completely envelope your life for a while.

I was in a bad motorcycle wreck that took 3 years and 2 surgeries to get over. Just recently, I realized that 8 years had gone by since the wreck, and couldn't believe it. At one time, it was all I could think about.

There will come a time for you too when you'll realize that life is no longer about that crappy day, and things have gotten better. I hope it's soon.

Anonymous said...

Good to hear the ordeal is over with and you guys are back on the freedom road. We'll be watching to see where you end up heading to next :) South for warmer weather, right?

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