Friday, February 20

Chickens 101

*New Update Below*

When we got the chickens the day after we got here in Texas, I was hoping we'd be here to witness the first egg laying, but doubted we'd actually be here THAT LONG.
Proud Mama

That poor hen, too, she can't get away from that ruthless rooster. He grabs the back of her neck all day long, briefing squatting on her back, causing Jewel to say matter of factly, he's taking a baby.

We never planned on letting them raise their chickens but now there's no choice. The kids will not let us eat them!
Jewel's even numbering them. We're not quite sure why, even she doesn't know, but it's good she did because from now on the ones that aren't numbered are getting stolen before she knows they're laid. She's going to grow up thinking chickens only lay seven eggs, but until we can think of another way to not get run over by chicken poop, we have no choice!

We're not too sure how these chicks will turn out, really. She spends hardly any time during the day laying on them. Instead she roams the yard being pushed around by the rooster or RUNNING AWAY FROM HIM. If she could speak, she'd say: Polygamy!

UPDATE: I spoke with Jewel about gathering any and all new eggs for our consumption, and explained to her that we'd be buying them from the store anyway so why not use our own. She agreed and has now added Official Egg Collector along with her duties as Official MailGirl


Heather's Moving Castle said...

I love it!!! Reminds me of "Hedgie's Surprise." But Jewel is like Hedgie trying to save Henny's eggs. Sounds like Henny needs a body guard. Roosters are so demanding. ;o(

Stacie said...

what a cute picture of jewel. she looks like a little prep school girl in that sweater. but we all know nothing could be further from the truth! i'd rather be an unschooler anyday!

if the chicks end up hatching, are they going to live in the bus with you?

Vicki said...

The chicks will be staying here on Green Acres.....why do you think I enjoy them so much??

Anonymous said...

How much fun! I've always wanted some chickens!

Anonymous said...

Hey Vicki - I have some full-timing questions. Can you email me at

Madeline Rains said...

I agree, the best chickens live on someone else's farm. :) They are so brutal! I also agree that Jewel looks like a prep school girl. It's a beautiful picture. She's getting so old.

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