Wednesday, June 20

Mt. Rushmore

A lot had changed in eight years, but it was still hot and crowded, at least this time I wasn't carrying a crying newborn.....and we were able to walk the President's Trail. Last time we didn't do it because of the crying baby, but also because it was too dang hot and it was a dirt trail. Now the trail was paved half way and stair cased the rest. It gave us a chance to get a lot closer, and to work up a good sweat.

Mt Rushmore (9)

When this family asked Joey to take a family picture for them, it took all I had to control myself from ripping the camera out of his hands, instead I captured the moment, which became my favorite photo of the day.

Not my Family obligatory picture

After that a woman offered to take a photo for us so naturally I jumped at the chance, but I was bummed to see the results. So after that when I'd see a family minus one I'd offer to take it for them, and I made sure I gave them picture postcard photos. I had so much fun doing that, I could have done it all day, but it was getting hotter by the hour.........So we headed South and found ourselves on the Iron Mountain Highway which is a mountainous route thru the Black Hills that has three strategically placed tunnels that were built specifically to frame Mt. Rushmore. What a nice wrong turn.

Mt Rushmore

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aw, man!
We were in RC when you guys rolled through! Shucks! I have been quite lazy about reading blogs lately, really wish I woulda caught this one earlier! Hope you had a good time there... looks like you did, anyway!
Safe Travels

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